A Skin Tightening and Lifting Device Can Reduce Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Sun Damage

A Skin Tightening and Lifting Device
Can Reduce Fine Lines, Wrinkles and
Sun Damage
A skin tightening and lifting device is an anti-aging tool that uses technology to
reduce fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin belega. It can also improve the appearance of
dark spots and sun damage.

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The aging process depletes collagen and elastin, which help your skin stay tight and
firm. This loss of elasticity can cause the development of wrinkles, fine lines and
crow’s feet. Fortunately, there are many effective non-surgical skin tightening
treatments available to reduce these signs of aging.
These treatments use heat, infrared light or intense pulsed light (IPL) to tighten the
skin and stimulate collagen production. They can be used on the face or other areas
of the body, such as the abdomen, buttocks, legs and arms.
Some devices simultaneously cool the epidermis to avoid skin redness or burning.
Others emit small pulses of infrared light and stimulate growth factors, a type of
protein that encourages new collagen formation.
Using heat and light to increase the rate of skin cell turnover can also help to
rejuvenate your skin and reduce acne scars, discoloration and dullness. These
devices are also safe and well-tolerated, although they may cause some temporary
skin redness or tingling after treatment.
Infrared light and radio frequency devices send heat deep into the skin without
wounding the top layer. These devices can tighten loose skin on the neck, belly,
upper arms and other parts of the body, but they typically take several treatments
to achieve results.

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When you have these types of skin tightening treatments, it’s best to have them
done at a cosmetic surgeon’s office or dermatologist’s clinic. These professionals
have specialized training and experience with these devices.
A skin tightening and lifting device is also an excellent choice for patients who are
unable to undergo surgical procedures such as facelifts, eyelid surgery or neck lifts.
These treatments offer less downtime and have a lower risk of side effects than
traditional surgeries.
These treatments can be performed by a licensed aesthetician or nurse working
under a physician’s supervision. However, subdermal treatments such as EmbraceRF
require an incision and should be performed only by a qualified cosmetic surgeon or
provider with equivalent training and experience.
Depending on the size of the area being treated, recovery can be short or even
immediate, depending on the type of device used. Some laser treatments can cause
redness or swelling in the area where they’re being applied, and some may lead to
If you’re unsure about which type of skin tightening and lifting device is right for
you, schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon to learn more about your

options. During the session, your doctor will examine your skin and discuss your
At-home devices are less powerful than their professional counterparts, but they can
still improve skin elasticity and diminish the look of wrinkles. They’re also safer than
surgical procedures for patients who are pregnant or have certain medical
These devices can be purchased at a variety of retailers and pharmacies. They’re
easy to use and cost a fraction of what you’d pay for a cosmetic surgeon’s office
visit. To get the most out of these devices, use them regularly for a few months
before evaluating your results.